My name is Abdoul Barry, I am a Math and Computer Science Student at St. Joseph's College, NY. I am passionate about computer programming. Fortunately, I had the chance to be part of ScriptEd - now Code Nation - which has been more than an opportunity to learn to code. This was my first real exposure to the tech industry and programming as I now know it rather than what I usually had heard. This is my portfolio website as a Student Junior Software Engineer, as I often call myself. It contains Projects I have worked on or am currently working on. Make sure to take a look at my work as I have a live link to each project and also a link to the github repository.
The greatest part of my creation from writing literature to programming is getting feedback. I am too young to be a professional in any of my passion. Any thought you get about my work, is very important to me to know because it helps me do better. Just like Daniel Coyle theorizes in The talent code, screwing up somehow makes us better because we learn from our mistakes which I just describe as experiences that grow us and shape us into a more skilled person.